Langley Vale Pre-school is registered with Ofsted who inspect us regularly. We are rated as ‘Good’.
Our most recent inspection took place in October 2018. The full report can be viewed on the Ofsted website
What we offer
We offer full morning nursery sessions 9.00am – 12.00pm Term time only
We support children 2 – 5 years of age, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.
We are located in the village of Langley Vale, overlooking the Epsom Downs.
What our parents say
My little boy always comes home with grubby knees and paint in his finger nails haha but with a huge smile on his face which means he has got stuck in and had lots of fun and that’s all I can ask for. A big 5 shining stars from me, I always recommend the preschool to my friends and we can not wait to come back!
Langley Vale Pre-School was recommenced to us and as we were told, it has been fantastic for our son. He absolutely loves going and has made some lovely little friends. The staff are fantastic and provide a fun and safe learning environment, it’s been a lan absolute joy to see our little boy grow and learn!
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s thoroughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.