
Langley Vale Pre School

Useful Information


We have Langley Vale Pre-school sweat-shirts and t-shirts which are available to purchase for your child. We provide protective clothing for the children to wear when they play with ‘messy’ activities and water.
We require you to provide a change of clothing in your child’s bag, including underwear, as children may occasionally have accidents or become wet at water play or muddy if they have been outside in the garden!

Slippers or plimsolls are to be worn indoors and trainers/ wellington boots for outdoor play, please ensure your child comes with both to preschool.  Flip flops or shoes of a similar nature are not permitted due to health and safety reasons.

If your child is not yet potty trained it is essential that you provide nappies, wet wipes, cream and changes of clothing for your child each time they attend.

We encourage our children to be independent and look after themselves.  This includes putting on and taking off outdoor clothes.   It will really help your child if you can provide clothing that is easy for them to manage. Please ensure that all clothing and bags are clearly labelled with your child’s name.



Water Bottle

Although water is always available to the children by asking any member of staff and also at milk bar (milk and water) some maybe a little shy about asking for a drink.  We recommend that you provide your child with a bottle of water with their name on it that is kept on their chair we can ensure that they are kept hydrated at all times.

Parental Involvement

We want to ensure that our parents and families have a close working relationship with our staff and committee. Parental and family involvement engenders a sense of community within our Pre-school and we always welcome suggestions for improvement. Parents, carers and, of course, grandparents are always most welcome as volunteer helpers in session – your help with the children is invaluable.

The children get very excited when it’s their turn to introduce Mummy, Daddy, Granny or Granddad and you’ll have fun too. Each year the preschool holds a variety of different events for our children/families.These may include:Spring Fair, Children’s parties, End of term play, End of year party and picnic, Sponsored events. We hold parent consultations in November and May each year.

Parents are a child’s first and most enduring educators. Supporting parents’ engagement in their children’s learning is an effective way to make a difference to children’s lives and outcomes. Langley Vale Pre-school aims to support and enhance the development of the child and to respect, understand and value the contributions of the parent to the child’s learning. We are starting to introduce Stay and play days.

Information Transfer

Parents are able to gain access to information regarding activities and events through discussion with the staff, regular newsletters, posters, planning boards and the notice boards and signs situated on the door as well as our private Facebook page. These are updated on a regular basis.

We always are available to discuss any issue or problem that may arise and will always provide opportunities for the parents to discuss the child’s progress. It is important to us to give positive information as well as any difficulties or problems the child may have had. Where appropriate we will gently guide the parents using advice based on our own experiences and training. Also where appropriate the we will give support and help to the parents and provide information on outside organisations, sources of information or put them in touch with other parents allowing them to support each other.

If additional support is required in the area of special needs then the parent will be introduced to the SENCO for further information and guidance.

Importance of Routine & Attendance

Please remember to contact Pre-school before 9.30 if you are running late or your child will not be attending.

It is important that your child attends Pre-school on the days that they are registered to do so. This helps not only to improve their education but also helps to prepare them for the routine of school when they start.

Our Schedule

What we offer


We offer full morning nursery sessions 9.00am – 12.00pm Term time only


We support children 2 – 5 years of age, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.


We are located in the village of Langley Vale, overlooking the Epsom Downs.

Our Testimonials

What our parents say

My little boy always comes home with grubby knees and paint in his finger nails haha but with a huge smile on his face which means he has got stuck in and had lots of fun and that’s all I can ask for.  A big 5 shining stars from me, I always recommend the preschool to my friends and we can not wait to come back!

Lili-mae Parent

Langley Vale Pre-School was recommenced to us and as we were told, it has been fantastic for our son. He absolutely loves going and has made some lovely little friends. The staff are fantastic and provide a fun and safe learning environment, it’s been a lan absolute joy to see our little boy grow and learn!

Haylie Homer Mum of 4 Boys

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s thoroughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.

Siobhan Wright Mother of 3 kids
Come and join in the fun
Call to book a place 07932 866 976
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