Keeping Healthy

Langley Vale Pre School

Health and Hygiene

Healthy Eating

Children can bring along a snack for ‘milk bar’ time, we provide water and milk.  We always encourage healthy eating within and outside
of our setting.  A snack should consist of a cracker or bread stick with some cheese or fruit (nuts or sesame seeds are not permitted due to allergies).

For further information on healthy eating for toddlers and preschoolers please click here.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has several important functions. For example, it helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.
These nutrients are needed to keep bones and teeth healthy. For information on vitamin D please click here.
A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain and tenderness as a result of a condition called osteomalacia in adults.

Dental Hygiene

A regular teeth-cleaning routine is essential for good dental health. It is free for children to visit an NHS dentist.  For details on healthy teeth click here.  Quizzes for children, printable activities and Smile Certificate can be found here.

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness that mainly affects children. It causes a distinctive pink-red rash.  Generally, scarlet fever is much less common than it used to be but in recent years there have been a number of significant outbreaks.  For further information on Scarlet Fever and the symptoms please click here.


Every suspected case of meningitis should be treated as a medical emergency.  Bacterial meningitis can lead to septicemia (blood poisoning), which can be fatal. For further information on Meningitis and the symptoms please click here.

Our Schedule

What we offer


We offer full morning nursery sessions 9.00am – 12.00pm Term time only


We support children 2 – 5 years of age, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.


We are located in the village of Langley Vale, overlooking the Epsom Downs.

Our Testimonials

What our parents say

My little boy always comes home with grubby knees and paint in his finger nails haha but with a huge smile on his face which means he has got stuck in and had lots of fun and that’s all I can ask for.  A big 5 shining stars from me, I always recommend the preschool to my friends and we can not wait to come back!

Lili-mae Parent

Langley Vale Pre-School was recommenced to us and as we were told, it has been fantastic for our son. He absolutely loves going and has made some lovely little friends. The staff are fantastic and provide a fun and safe learning environment, it’s been a lan absolute joy to see our little boy grow and learn!

Haylie Homer Mum of 4 Boys

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s thoroughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.

Siobhan Wright Mother of 3 kids
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