Meet the Team


Our staff are well qualified and long serving. Most of the team have been in post since 2006 or longer, and all either have or are working towards NVQ Level 2/3 in Children’s Care and Development.

Langley Vale Pre School

Meet the Team

Nicky Kibble

I am a mother of two children, aged 18 and 16 and have lived in Langley Vale for over 18 years.  Both of my children attended Pre-school, which is when I first started working there as a volunteer.  Initially, I was Treasurer for the group, having had previous accounts history in my fulltime employment.  After having my daughter in 2003, I became a full-time Mum.  When my daughter started pre-school at 2 ½ years old, I became employed there as an unqualified practitioner.  This started a rollercoaster educational journey for me, and within 9 months I was an NVQ 3 qualified practitioner.  I also trained to be SENCO and DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) for which I am a deputy and have undertaken numerous training courses relevant to the role.

After becoming qualified, I was approached to help start up the afterschool facility at The Vale Primary where I worked as a supervisor for many years.

In 2015 I took a year out to explore running my own business, gaining me vital business skills but not the future it had promised.  However, my calling to pre-school had never left and I was delighted in early 2017 to have been employed as the Manager.     

Mhairi Watts
Acting Deputy Manager/ Pre School SENCO

I moved to Langley Vale in the Millennium with my husband. We have two children, a boy and a girl, who both attended our pre-school, then attended the village primary school and are now both at local secondary schools! Pre-children, I worked as a fully qualified legal secretary, starting my career locally for a year before working in London for 18 years. In 2011, I joined Langley Vale Pre-school and within a year I attained my Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young Peoples’ Workforce.

I am keyworker to several children and also hold the privileged role of SENCO (since 2015) – supporting children and their families, ensuring the best possible educational outcomes for those with special educational needs and disabilities. In my spare time, one of my interests is Reiki – so much so I am now a fully qualified Reiki practitioner!

Jo Marshall
DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

My name is Jo and I am a mother of 2 children. I became involved with the Langley Vale Pre-school as a parent helper when my son and daughter attended in 2009 – 2013. I then become a member of bank staff, and as of September 2015 become a permanent member of staff. I have recently qualified as a NVQ Level 3 practitioner.

I enjoy my job at the Pre-school and you will often find me in the art corner getting involved with messy play and making crafts with the children.

In my spare time I enjoy doing a variety of crafts which includes sewing and trying my hand at dressmaking. I also love spending time with my family going away in the UK and abroad in our Camper van.

Our Pre-School prides itself on having kind and caring staff, who encourage all children to explore, grow and gain new life skills which will enable them to be school ready and to prepare them for their future lives.

Emily Clarke
Key Worker

My name is Emily, I have lived in Langley Vale for 13 years and stated working at Langley Vale Pre-School in 2012, both my children have attended the pre-school and they both enjoyed their time there.

I became a qualified practitioner in 2015 after achieving my NVQ Level 3. I enjoy my role as a Keyworker and find it rewarding helping children to learn, grow in confidence and become more independent in readiness for school.

In my spare time I like to keep fit by walking, swimming and practicing the art of Yoga


Karis Winyard
Key Worker

My name is Karis. I have worked at Langley Vale Pre-school for the past 3 years. I have 3 children, Saskia who is 18, Kennedy who is 12 and Carter who is 8. My two youngest children also went to this Pre-school and we loved it hence why I decided to join the team! I also have a little dog called Coco who has been part of our family for the past 14 years. I enjoy going on holidays with my family and have hobbies such as boxing and going to the gym.

Susanne Stafford

Key Worker

My name is Susanne, I have lived in Langley Vale for over ten years and my two children attended The Vale Primary School where I enjoyed being an active parent helper.

Having joined Langley Vale Pre-School as a member of bank staff in 2017, I was delighted to then become a permanent member of staff. I am now part of a lovely team and it’s great to be able to help the pre-school children grow and develop.

In my spare time I enjoy swimming, walking and Yoga.

Our Testimonials

What our parents say

My little boy always comes home with grubby knees and paint in his finger nails haha but with a huge smile on his face which means he has got stuck in and had lots of fun and that’s all I can ask for.  A big 5 shining stars from me, I always recommend the preschool to my friends and we can not wait to come back!

Lili-mae Parent

Langley Vale Pre-School was recommenced to us and as we were told, it has been fantastic for our son. He absolutely loves going and has made some lovely little friends. The staff are fantastic and provide a fun and safe learning environment, it’s been a lan absolute joy to see our little boy grow and learn!

Haylie Homer Mum of 4 Boys

This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s thoroughly refreshing to get such a personal touch.

Siobhan Wright Mother of 3 kids
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